
We are currently exhibiting at the following conferences!  Click on your conference and browse the virtual exhibit.  Use code NYUCONF30 for a 30% discount and free domestic shipping over $40!

African Studies AssociationView Exhibit
American Academy of ReligionView Exhibit
American Anthropological AssociationView Exhibit
American Historical AssociationView Exhibit
American Political Science AssociationView Exhibit
American Psychology-Law SocietyView Exhibit
American Society of CriminologyView Exhibit
American Sociological AssociationView Exhibit
American Studies AssociationView Exhibit
Association For Jewish StudiesView Exhibit
Association of American Law SchoolsView Exhibit
College Art AssociationView Exhibit
Eastern Sociological SocietyView Exhibit
Latino/a/x Studies Conference View Exhibit
Law and Society AssociationView Exhibit
Middle East Studies AssociationView Exhibit
Modern Language AssociationView Exhibit
National Women’s Studies AssociationView Exhibit
Organization of American HistoriansView Exhibit
Society for Cinema and Media StudiesView Exhibit
Society for the Scientific Study of ReligionView Exhibit
Southern Sociological Society ConferenceView Exhibit
Western Political Science AssociationView Exhibit