Monthly Review Press

Since 1999, NYUP has been distributing Monthly Review Press to the book trade. Monthly Review magazine and its book publishing arm, Monthly Review Press, have been leading publishers of left scholarship since 1949. Our mission is to educate readers in critical analyses of capitalism and to provide a responsible platform for neglected and emerging scholarship on a wide range of progressive issues. Our tax-exempt status is predicated on our mission as an educational publisher promoting socialist scholarship and filling a demonstrable educational gap. Our publications aim for accessibility and clarity.

Subjects span political, social, and economic theory, environmentalism; public education; and immigration; among other topics. Monthly Review’s distinctive contribution to the world of ideas has advanced an analysis that helps to explain the tendency of contemporary capitalism toward slow growth and stagnation, the growing environmental catastrophe, and the continuing and deepening economic inequality between the rich and poor nations, and between the rich and poor everywhere. Throughout its history, Monthly Review has reflected a small but influential school of scholarly analysis.